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Federal Information and Records Managers Council (FIRM)

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Trifold Flyer for Suitable for Printing, March 4, 2010
March 8, 2007, version in PowerPoint or Viewing on the Web in HTML



The purpose of the Federal Information and Records Managers Council (FIRM) is to empower all federal agency information management professionals by encouraging collegial partnerships that provide a forum for sharing knowledge and resources that lead to better government.

The FIRM Council:

-- Provides Leadership to the Federal Information Community by bringing together access specialists, archivists, attorneys, experts, information technology staff, librarians, program staff, records managers, professional associations and other associated professions to:

I. Manage the life cycle of federal information assets and
II.Protect and promote the nation's documentary heritage.

-- Provides Advice and Assistance to executive, legislative and judicial agencies and other federal entities charged with oversight of federal information and records management including, but not limited to: the National Archives and Records Administration; the CIO Council; the Office of Management and Budget; the Government Accountability Office; The Office of Personnel Management; the National Institute for Standards and Technology; and the General Services Administration.

-- Provides a forum to advance professional knowledge and techniques through educational programs, workshops, seminars, and by exchanging experiences, approaches and essential ideas related to the evolving federal information enterprise initiatives and policies.

-- Serves as an advocate for a more efficient, effective and accountable implementation of programs and tools used to manage federal information assets.


All federal employees (past and present) that serve or have served in any capacity related to the improvement, promotion and protection of the common goals and objectives of quality information management. Government contractors may participate, but not serve on the Board.

Voting Members:
Any individual whose name, agency, title, phone number, address and e-mail contact information is on the most recently updated FIRM communications list.

FIRM members participate as individuals who have partnered to promote successful accomplishment of joint endeavors and to add their individual contributions to a common unified voice. FIRM members do not directly represent their agency, but rather, bring together a diverse spectrum of perspectives, opinions and beliefs about all aspects of federal information management that benefit the community.

FIRM is a professional association, without a budget, committed to providing programs free of charge. Resources needed to conduct its programs are contributed graciously by program, association and Council participants.

FIRM Council Board of Directors: Is endorsed annually by voting members each March from a slate of candidates, all federal employees (former and current), put forward by the previous Board. The Board can supplement its membership at any time by reaching consensus on new Board members.

-- The Board shall administer the affairs and business of the Council through consensus. If unable to reach consensus, the Chair may call for a majority vote.

-- The Board elects its own leadership (below) which serves collectively as an Executive Committee for making decisions between Board meetings.

-- The Board shall meet approximately every two months (second Wednesday) or as necessary to properly conduct its work.

-- The Board is intended to represent all aspects of the FIRM membership and should strive to insure that its composition includes professionals with varied perspectives. The Board should not exceed fifteen members with no more than two members from a single department / agency.

-- The Board shall elect its leadership in the following positions:
1. The Board Chair; serves as the primary point of contact for external FIRM partners; presides over Board meetings.
2. The Vice Chair; serves in the absence of the chair; coordinates the agenda for bi-monthly Board meetings; oversees work of FIRM work group leads.
3. The Secretary; serves as the institutional memory of the association; keeps the FIRM history up-to-date; maintains all FIRM documentation (minutes, agendas, programs, correspondence, comments, etc...)
4. Membership Coordinator; maintains the FIRM mailing list; serves as central point for disseminating information to membership and external partners.
5. Webmaster; works with Secretary and Membership
Coordinator to e-post all information that may be of benefit to FIRM members, including, but not limited to: program information, administrative information; links to resources and partner groups, and on-line archival materials.
6. Friends of the Board; honored partners, liaisons, resources, collaborators, advisors and supporters are proposed by the chair and approved annually by the Board.

-- FIRM Workgroups:
Work group leaders are appointed by the Board. The workgroup leaders coordinate all activities of the group and bring forward recommendations, issues and positions to the Board for consideration. Workgroups are chartered for specific purposes and their charters are reviewed, modified and re-authorized each year, at the March meeting, as appropriate.

-- FIRM Programs:
The FIRM may provide opportunities for dialogue on as many issues as appropriate through its workgroups. It may partner with other organizations and associations to jointly sponsor programs as appropriate. The FIRM is committed to providing a variety of programs each year.

-- Liaisons:
The FIRM Chair, in consultation with the Board, may appoint liaisons to represent the collective interests of FIRM to other associations, federal agency initiatives and governmental bodies including, but not limited to: the Archivist of the United States, the CIO Council, ARMA, etc...; Liaisons serve in an advisory capacity to the Board and are encouraged to attend all Board meetings in order to foster communication.

-- Accountability Clause:
The FIRM Board functions as a team and participation on the FIRM Board is a privilege. All Board members are required to set an example for professional accountability and are expected to contribute their time, ideas, talents and perspectives. Board members recognize that positive interaction with their colleagues is a professional responsibility.

-- The FIRM Charter and By-laws will be evaluated and, if necessary, updated annually to insure it meets the needs of the evolving information management community. The Charter and by-laws will be re-affirmed at the March meeting each year.

If approved, this charter and set of by-laws supercedes all previous rules for FIRM and becomes effective, as amended, March 2005.

Approved for the FIRM by the FIRM Board of Directors 03/09/05

Anne Baker
Dan Bennett
Carol Brock
John Paul Deley
Carol Cory
Kathleen Calvo
Bette Fugitt
Mike Miller
Nancy Miller
Cheryl Thomas
John Vasko